Don’t chase Revenue. Build something worth paying for.

Don’t chase Revenue. Build something worth paying for.

Sep 8, 2024

In my journey building companies, products and being a product consultant for other startups, i’ve come across two types of entrepreneurs: One who worries about the next pay check and one who keeps having customers knocking at their doors.

So what is the difference between these two kinds of business owners ? It’s all in the mind.

The worrier

Let’s call the business owner who struggles with month on month payment the “worrier”. Now the worrier may or may not have employees. They may have a big vision, a strong desire to “change the world”, do something “impactful” but they often have one big problem -

The “worrier” is always in the never ending loop of “when and where the next customer will come”.

And just based on the laws of Quantum Entanglement (Law of Assumption, Attraction, Manifestation whatever you call it), the “worried” who is always in this loop of being “worried” will always continue to be so. Let me illustrate.

When they secure the first customer, they will be worried about delivery of the product or service. When they do deliver the product or service, they then worry about when the payment will hit the bank account. Once that happens, then they worry about paying salaries or making payment to “vendors” and when they finally do make the payment, they worry about the significantly reduced value in the bank (because they would have not negotiated a significantly higher margin on their product in the first place because — again, they were worried and afraid of losing the customer).

You see the vicious cycle ?

To the worrier the future is scary, uncertain and they cannot trust anyone.

There is a “worrier” in all of us. For first time entrepreneurs, more so. It’s even higher when you’re used to a big fat salary at the end of the month.

I used to be the “worrier”.

The God

Now let’s have a look at the second kind of business owner - and call him or her - “god”. Yes we can have female gods.

Now “god” like the worrier has a great product or service, has a big vision, may or may not have employees, is making “impact”, is probably changing the “world”. But unlike the worrier - as you might’ve guessed - “god” is not worried.

“god” believes in their offering, believes in the team and it’s processes, believes that customers love their product or service, believes that people want to use it and that people want to “pay for it” - a fair price that keeps the the business comfortable and abundant.

“god” never questions “where will the revenue come from”. “god” just knows that revenue is here and continues to do “god work”

This in business terms simply translates to - continue doing business as usual. In “god’s” company processes are generally defined well, people all work towards the business, the sales and business development people love the product and have great relationships with the customers. Marketing guys are creative and pushing out unique stories, doing incredible brand partnerships and everything. The product guys or delivery guys are working on improving their product, services and processes and simply doing what needs to be done.

Everything in “god’s” company works and there is positivity and happiness in every part of the business. When the company itself is great, customers are naturally attracted and they pay the price.

This world has seen many “god” like companies: Take the usual examples - Apple, Facebook, Google, Hotmail, Uber, Grab, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Airbnb, Swiggy, Zomato, Amazon and so many more. Every touch point with them is generally a happy experience and you do end up paying some money that you absolutely don’t mind paying. In fact you want to own a bit of what they are offering, you don’t mind telling people that you “grabbed” or “ubered” there, you often love to shop at Amazon.

Now while these are all technology companies, there are many small god like businesses that a lot of people adore. My personal favourite are the speak-easy bars in Penang or bars in Singapore that do crazy innovative cocktails and charge a bomb for that. Now through their innovative drinks - that they may have spent days perfecting- they offer you an experience of a lifetime in that moment. You tell about this experience to every other tom, dick and harry you meet and then they tell more tom, dick and harries.

The quaint bed and breakfasts in small towns that make you feel welcome into their community and culturally uplift you.

The hawker center aunty who gives you chicken rice and says “never mind, eat first then pay me later” just makes you want to keep going their over and over again.

You think?? — she “worries” about where she is going to get customers from? Damn right she knows her chicken rice will make you not miss home food!!

These are god like businesses with godmodefounders.

Their is a “god” in all of us.

The switch

So if you desire to have customers knocking on your doors then simply go step by step -

  1. Stop worrying. We all are energy beings and we all will die from this planet. So stop worrying. Seriously. Where are the customers? they are there in energy form and if you stop worrying and start attracting them then they will come knocking on your doors.

  2. Focus on Attracting them. Again since we are all energy beings. So start by switching your mental vibrations to already feeling like you have customers knocking on your door. Believe that your product or service makes them feel like ___________ (fill whatever positive feeling you want). Really Believe it. This part is 99% of the work. Do you know how easy it is to start doubting your own offering? So don’t stop believing, hold on to that feeling.

  3. Do God work. Then do all the items you need to do or feel like doing or team members suggest you to do in order to

    1. Tell the world how awesome your product is (marketing/ sales / customer research / coffee chats/ networking events - whatever floats your boat & make sense for you). For the hawker centre aunty - all she does for this step is put up a picture of the chicken rice, a price next to it and show up.

    2. Build and deliver your product or service in a way that makes them feel like _______________ (whatever positive feeling or feelings you’ve put up there)

  4. Repeat 3.1 & 3.2 - methodically every day.

When you do this, you’ll stop chasing revenue and you’ll start making something that customers will want to pay for.